Karine Adeline

Karine Adeline

Research Engineer in remote sensing of vegetation

E-mail: karine.adelineDear bot, you will not collect my email@onera.fr
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Address: ONERA, 2 avenue Marc Pélegrin, 31055 Toulouse, France
Interests: imaging spectroscopy, multiscale and multimodal, 3D modeling, radiative transfer, structural/functional traits, anthropic and natural wooded landscapes

My main research interest is to study the physics of the observed radiation to quantify the bio-physico-chemical and geometrical properties of vegetated scenes in natural or manmade environments by using radiative transfer models and optical remote sensing data, especially imaging spectroscopy. This involves designing high-precision experimental campaigns and performing forward an inverse modeling approaches targeting an adapted consideration of the 3D scene environment and an accurate retrieval of surface optical properties. My studied cases are generally tree ecosystems (urban trees, open and dense forests, orchards) for a variety of applications related directly or indirectly to the impact of anthropogenic activities (essential biodiversity variables quantification, fire risk and drought-induced water stress prevention, optimization of phytosanitary inputs, genomic selection of resilient varieties). The methodology I employ is mainly based on 3D modeling, radiative transfer simulations (PROSPECT, SAIL, DART) and inversion methods relying on machine learning.

Some of my challenges are:

  • Target the tree scale from satellite/airborne decametric spatial resolutions: how to improve sub-pixel characterization by better accounting for the spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability of tree ecosystems in physical modeling ?
  • Link between wave-matter interactions and functional/structural traits of vegetation: how the use of multi-platform (from lab, field, UAV, airplane to satellite level), multi-scale (from leaf to canopy) and multi-modal remote sensing data (passive optical imaging, LiDAR, polarimetric and radar) give us a better physical understanding of our observations ?
  • Provide reliable vegetation products for current and upcoming satellite missions, in particular for imaging spectroscopy missions: how to build transferable and robust methods between and intra-ecosystems ?

Working experience & Education

  • Since 2016: Research engineer in the Optics and Associated Techniques Department (DOTA) and in the Optical Properties of Scene team (POS) at the French Aerospace Lab (ONERA), Toulouse, France
  • 2015-2016: Post-doctoral fellow, “Inversion of forest foliar biochemical traits using radiative transfer modelling” at the Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS) directed by Susan Ustin in University of California, Davis, USA
  • 2014-2015: Post-doctoral fellow, “Impact of the spectral resolution on the estimation of textural clay by Vis-NIR laboratory spectroscopy” at the Soil-Agrosystem-Hydrosystem interaction lab (LISAH), Montpellier, France
  • 2010-2014: Ph.D., “Classification of urban materials in the presence of sparse vegetation using hyperspectral remote sensing at high spatial resolution” at Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space (ISAE-SUPAERO), Toulouse, France (host lab: ONERA)
  • 2010: Master’s Degree in Signal Image Acoustics and Optimization, University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
  • 2010: Engineering diploma in Electronics and Image/Signal processing, at the National Institute of Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science,Fluid mechanics & Telecommunications and Networks (INP-ENSEEIHT), Toulouse France

Scientific responsabilities

  • Since 2024: responsible of the “Measurement Physics and Associated Instrumentation” module in the “Earth Observation and Universe Sciences” core curriculum (F-OTSU 301) in the ISAE-SUPAERO engineering school
  • Since 2022: member of the scientific committee of the French Spatial Remote Sensing Program (PNTS) from the national institute of the universe sciences of the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS-INSU)
  • 2019: PI of the SFPT-GH conference organization committee held in Toulouse, 9th-10th July
  • Since 2019: board member of the Hyperspectral Group of the French Society for Photogrammetry and Remote sensing (SFPT-GH)
  • Since 2016: contribution to future hyperspectral satellite missions led by CNES (CHIMERE, HYSP, BIODIVERSITY) for vegetation applications


  • 2024-2028: ANR PRCE MONI-TREE “Monitoring tree comfort in cities: a multi-scale approach using multi-modal remote sensing, physical modelling, deep learning and in-situ data”, PI: T. Corpetti (LETG), Co-I: ONERA, ECOBIO, SILVA, IRISA, AUBEPINE
  • 2023-2024: APR CNES SR4VEG “Using super-resolution to assess the urban tree vegetation condition for the Sentinel-Next HR and Biodiversity missions”, PI: T. Corpetti (LETG), Co-I: ONERA, CESBIO, IRISA, CEDRIC
  • 2023-2026: ANR JCJC CANOP “Remotely sensed leaf biochemistry intra-individual variability in orchard tree CANOPies for agroecology”, PI: K. Adeline (ONERA), Partners: CESBIO, TETIS, EMMAH, GAFL, PSH 
  • 2020-2024: ASTRESS “aSSessment of the urban TRees hEalth StatuS by remote sensing”, PI: J. Nabucet (LETG), Partners: Rennes Metropolis, ONERA, ECOBIO
  • 2020-2022: ARI HEALTHY “VIS-SWIR & TIR synergy to monitor open forest water stress in preparation of French and American observation missions”, PI: K. Adeline (ONERA), Partners: CSTARS & Biomet Lab (univ. of Davis and Berkeley, CA, USA), CSIC-SpecLab & UCO-DAUCO (ES)
  • 2021-2025: APR CNES SentHyMED “Complementarity between Sentinel-2 multi-temporal imagery and hyperspectral imagers for a better monitoring of Mediterranean forests functional traits”, PI: K. Adeline (ONERA), Co-I: CESBIO, DYNAFOR, TETIS, CEFE, Partner: AMAP
  • 2019-2021: MEDOAK proposal “Measuring species traits to assess biodiversity-ecosystem functioning from spectroscopic imagery: a study case in the French MEDiterranean basin with OAK forests”, PI: K. Adeline (ONERA), Co-I: TETIS, CEFE, DYNAFOR, CSTARS (univ. of Davis, CA, USA)
  • 2019-2021: APR CNES HyperMED “Species traits assessment to monitor tree health condition over open mediterranean forest ecosystems for a hyperspectral imager”, PI: K. Adeline (ONERA), Co-I: CESBIO, CSTARS & Biomet Lab (univ. of Davis and Berkeley, CA, USA), Partners: C. Schaaf’s lab (Univ. of Boston, MA, USA)
  • 2016-2020: CNES R&T CHIMERE Pre-phase 0, PI: X. Briottet & K. Adeline (ONERA)
  • 2014-2019: NAOMI research and industry partnership “New Advanced Observation Method Integration”, PI: P.-Y. Foucher (ONERA) & D. Dubucq (TOTALEnergies)
  • 2016-2019: APR CNES CATUT “Urban temperature mapping with THIRSTY/TRISHNA”, PI: J.-P. Lagouarde (ISPA), Co-I: ONERA, LETG, Global Change Unit (Univ. of Valencia, ES)
  • 2011-2016: “Identification of Plant Functional Types By Characterization of Canopy Chemistry Using an Automated Advanced Canopy Radiative Transfer Model”, PI: S. Ustin (CSTARS, Univ. of Davis, CA, USA), Partners: NASA JPL, NASA Earth Exchange, Biomet Lab (Univ. of Berkeley, CA, USA), C. Schaaf’s lab (Univ. of Boston, MA, USA), CESBIO
  • 2015-2018: “Real-Time Irrigation Metrics for Improved Water Use Efficiency in Orchards and Vineyards”, PI: Univ. of Davis (CA, USA), Partners: IRTA (ES), Univ. of Monterey (CA, USA), NASA-AMES, TerraBella-Google Inc.
  • 2014-2015: APR CNES MiHySpecSol “HYPXIM Mission: impact of the spectral resolution for mapping perennial soil properties in Mediterranean environments”, PI: C. Gomez (LISAH), Co-I: ONERA, ITAP
  • 2010-2014: ANR VEGDUD “The role of plants in sustainable urban development: an approach based on issues relating to climatology, hydrology, energy management and atmosphere”, PI: M. Musy (IRSTV), Co-I: LCPC, CSTB, LEPTIAB, ONERA, SEVE Nantes, LPGN, EPHYSE, GAME, IRSN

Student supervision and committee

Ph.D. students

  • Nathan Sikora “Fine mapping of orchard health and nutritional status using multi-modal drone data in support of agro-ecological practices” (co-advisor: ONERA & EMMAH, ANR JCJC CANOP funding, 2023-2026)
  • Romain Demoulin “Remote sensing data fusion monitoring of vegetation cover characteristics for better prediction of agricultural yields from remote sensing data fusion” (co-advisor: CESBIO, HYPERPLAN & ONERA, HYPERPLAN-ANRT funding, 2023-2026)
  • Mathilda Porterie “Monitoring Mediterranean forests state for fire risk assessment: a multi-sensor remote sensing approach” (co-advisor: ONERA & CSIC-SPECLAB(ES), GAPAVE-ONERA funding, 2022-2025)
  • Théo Le Saint “Monitoring of tree vegetation health in urban areas using time series remote sensing time series: application to the city of Rennes” (co-advisor: LETG & ONERA, Rennes Metropolis-ANRT funding, 2021-2024)
  • Thierry Gaubert “Estimation of mountain forest species traits for future hyperspectral missions” (co-advisors: ONERA, CSTARS(USA) & ITC(NL), ONERA-CNES-Occitanie region funding, 2020-2023)
  • Thomas Miraglio “Species traits estimation of Mediterranean open forest using hyperspectral remote sensing” (co-advisor: ONERA & CSTARS(USA), ONERA-Occitanie region funding, 2018-2021)
  • Etienne Ducasse “Fine mapping of mineralogical clays by unmixing hyperspectral images at very high spatial resolution” (co-advisor: ONERA & BRGM, DGA-BRGM funding, 2015-2018)

Post-doctoral fellows and contract engineers

  • Marianne Debue “Assessment of the optical parameterisation influence of the DART 3D radiative transfer model on the simulation of multi- and hyperspectral images of open/dense forest scenes” (11 months contract engineer, co-advisor: CESBIO & ONERA, collab. TETIS & AMAP, APR CNES SENTHYMED funding, 2023)
  • Carlos Granero Belinchon “Monitoring urban trees state using high temporal resolution SENTINEL-2 and Venµs satellite data” (1 year post-doc, co-advisor: ONERA, collab. CNRM, ONERA funding, 2019-2020)
  • Aurélie Michel “Surface temperature estimation for urban heat island observation as part of the TRISHNA multispectral infrared thermal satellite mission” (10 months contract engineer, co-advisor: ISPA & ONERA, APR CNES CATUT funding, 2017)

Master students

  • Thadek Ferrand “Influence of 3D tree modelling on the electromagnetic signal reproducing a given scene: evaluation of LiDAR-Optical-Radar complementarity with simulated and remotely sensed data” (4 months intern, ONERA funding, 2022)
  • Sélim Ollivier “Re-lighting tree shadows in urban environments by combining machine learning, 3D physical simulations and remote sensing” (6 months intern, ONERA funding, 2022)
  • Romain Demoulin “Methodological optimisation for the functional characterisation of Mediterranean forests using hyperspectral imagery and machine learning” (6 months intern, collab. CESBIO & CSTARS(USA), APR CNES TOSCA HYPERMED funding, 2022)
  • Louis Chauvet “Estimation of biodiversity variables in a Mediterranean forest for the two French and American hyperspectral space missions (CNES and NASA)” (6 months intern, collab. CESBIO & CSTARS(USA), APR CNES TOSCA HYPERMED funding, 2020)
  • Jean-Victor Schmitt “Evaluation of the tree structure impact on the estimation of vegetation biochemical properties” (5 months intern, collab. CESBIO & CSTARS(USA), ONERA funding, 2018)

Specific student program

  • Co-supervision of undergraduate students from NASA SARP (Student Airborne Research Program) for field campaigns to characterize mountain forests (1 week, CSTARS(USA), 2016)

Contribution to Ph.D. student grants

  • 2 EUR-TESS Mobility grants (M. Porterie and R. Demoulin) and 1 EUR-TESS Booster (T. Gaubert) from Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Science (TESS)

Ph.D. steering commitee

  • Marianne Al Hayek “Optical modelling of spectral and polarimetric object signatures to improve the performance of a recognition system” (2021-2024, ISEN, Brest)

Ph.D./master defense committee

  • Omar Regaieg “Modelling the radiative transfer of solar-induced fluorescence, thermal emission and the radiation balance of 3D plant cover: towards a complete RIS model” (PhD defense in 2023, CESBIO, Toulouse), examinator
  • Ama Serwah “Biodiversity Assessment Using Satellite Imagery In San Joaquin Experimental Range, California” (intern defense in 2023, FORAGES MSc research exam, ITC(NL)), exterior examinator


  • Since 2016: lectures in “Remote sensing and radiative transfer: passive optical imaging in the solar domain” (FOTSU301 module) for last year students in the engineering school ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse
  • From 2011 to 2013: practical exercices and examinations in “C and C++ computer programming” for first and second year students in the engineering school INP-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse

Conference and peer-reviewed journals activities

  • Member of the editor-in-chief for the special issue “hyperspectral” of the French Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (RFPT); Guest editor of the special issues: “Remote sensing of savannas and woodlands II” for the Remote Sensing journal (ongoing) and “AI and Physical Modeling in Earth Observation: Synergy or Competition?” for the Environmental Data Science journal (ongoing)
  • Reviewer for peer-review journals: Remote Sensing of Environment, Remote Sensing, Journal of International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Letters, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Journal of Forestry Research
  • Scientific committee reviewer for conferences: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – ISPRS (2020/2021/2022), IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS (2024)


List available here
